Day 58 – July 28, 2013

Attention Husbands/Boyfriends/Significant Others/Expectant Fathers: Do not allow your expectant other to watch the movie “What To Expect When You Are Expecting”!  You will be cleaning up the emotional mess that this movie leaves her in upon its completion.  Basically, the movie takes you through 4 or 5 different pregnancy scenarios ranging from no risk to […]

Day 53 – July 23, 2013

We heard the heartbeat today.  It sounded like sea-monkeys banging on tiny timpani in super fast progression.  Wild actually.  Unfortunately, I was unprepared for this due to Cindy and I believing that our visit was for other reasons.  I didn’t get my cell phone recorder ready.  😦 Anyways, Cindy started to cry and I stood […]

Day 42 – July 12, 2013

After telling our family and closest friends, we finally told everyone the amazing news that you were expected.  For me, it was definitely touching to hear people’s various responses.  Most, if not all, were extremely positive and heartfelt.  Cindy and I spent the evening reading through people’s comments and were so appreciative.  I bought her […]

Day 18.1 – June 18.1, 2013

I am writing this in a crappy/pissy mood. My efforts to join Cindy in the Doctor’s office were once again thwarted by the mid-wife for the sake of “the MOTHER’S protection”. Sooooo I am once again sitting in the waiting room and the worst part? It isn’t the crying babies or the countless conversations by […]

Day 7 – 11, June 7 – 11, 2013

Greetings from Las Vegas, Nevada! Have you ever had a great idea backfire once the event came around? (Idiotic Man Moment #74:  Bring your recently pregnant significant other to Sin City) Well, our sober experience turned out to be the most special trip to Las Vegas this veteran has ever taken.  We saw the sights, […]

Day 6 – June 6, 2013

You ever have moments where you feel utterly powerless being a man?  Today was our first scheduled visit with the Doctor and I wouldn’t be let passed the waiting room area.  What were they hiding?  What female stuff were they talking about? It’s not like I wasn’t there when they stuck a radioactive camera the […]

Day 3 through 5 – June 3/4/5, 2013

This was going to be it!  We were going to get an official answer from someone in a gown wearing cloth booties and an oversized apron.  We chose Bellevue Hospital on 1st Ave. because it’s where Cindy has been going to ever since she came to NYC and being a French immigrant, it’s public healthcare. […]